Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pregnancy Affirmations

Often times, when I talk to pregnant women, I hear two different experiences. Some women love their pregnancy while some other despise every day of it. Being pregnant twice, I have been on both sides of the fence. My first pregnancy, I really didn't like the experience. I complained everyday of how miserable it was and how much I despised it. After learning about how my thought affects my experience, with my second pregnancy, I practice positive thinking to attempt to change my experience. And sure enough, I can say that I have enjoyed the second pregnancy. It is not because the second pregnancy is easier; the truth is I've never had so much pain and swelling in my life as I've had with my second pregnancy. My wonderful experience has come from me focusing on the good and repeating these affirmations on a daily basis:

1. I am a beautiful pregnant woman
2. I love carrying my baby while she/he grows peacefully
3. My body expands to make room for my baby and I love it
4. I am blessed to be able to get pregnant and stay pregnant
5. My life gets better and better as my pregnancy advances

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